The Registration "Intermediate Overview" is not currently available.
If you are interested in trying out for Intermediate League, register for Recreational Baseball (starting on January 14, 2025) and indicate your interest in Intermediate during the registration process. 10u (mixed 9/10), 12u (mixed 11/12), and 14u (mixed 13/14) Intermediate Leagues are for 9-14 year olds (generally 3rd Graders – 8th Graders). Each year some younger players (2nd Graders) tryout and are selected to 10u Intermediate rosters.
Teams are built by Coaching Staffs that apply and are accepted by the league by the stated deadline. Additional teams WILL NOT be formed at the tryouts. Teams are comprised of players who are DRAFTED to the team from various areas of our community. By trying out you are agreeing to be drafted to a team. If you back out after tryouts and draft, FCBC cannot guarantee that there is placement back to a Recreational team from your school or any other. Players who are drafted onto Intermediate teams from the Spring Tryout will be taken off of their Recreational Teams and will move to an Intermediate roster. Players not drafted will stay on the Recreational team to which they are already assigned.
All Coaching Staffs and Teams are required to participate in the FCBC Coach Education/Sportsmanship Program. Each coaching staff will go through a one-on-one interview, along with two or three training meetings/sessions.
Deadline for Coaching Applications is October 15 … but all available coaching positions could be filled before that date … sooner is better.
10u Teams | 12u Teams | 14u Teams |
Tom Dugan | Jake Coutts | Ted Webber |
Josiah Ziegler | Weston Toll | Gary Haas |
Eric Jensen | Nick Holdridge | Drew Douglas |
Kaleo Chung | Nathan Balk | Dave Van Thuyne |
Joe Kelly | Zach Hepperle | |
Dan Ramirez | Caleb Huthmacher | Berthoud |
Brian Angel | ||
Brandon Gorsky | ||
Jesse Pierson | ||
Wellington? | Wellington? | Wellington? |
Intermediate League consists of 10u (mixed 9/10), 12u (mixed 11/12), and 14u (mixed 13/14) teams. Teams play league games (May to mid-July)and an end-of-season tournament (mid-July weekend). This league is for players with a strong desire to improve their playing skills and to play in a league with fewer rule modifications than Recreational (e.g., Intermediate rules allow for lead offs and stealing).
Note for 13u / 14u:
Intermediate Baseball provides an excellent learning and competition ground for 13u and 14u players (and is much more cost-effective than low-level "competitive" options).
Intermediate also allows a player with multiple interests (other sports / other activities) a great schedule and structure to continue to pursue those interests before entering high school. Former Intermediate players are on high school baseball rosters across Fort Collins ... but many alums of the Intermediate program are also involved in a wide range of activities at their high schools.
Intermediate Tryouts
Sunday, March 2 -- FCBC Training Center
The FCBC office will assign players check-in/tryout times.
Intermediate Draft
Monday, March 3
Players will be notified by the night of Wednesday, March 5 if they were drafted to an Intermediate team. If not drafted to an Intermediate team, a player will retain a roster spot on his/her Recreational team.
Location of Tryout: FCBC Training Center. Tryout will be held on Sunday, March 2, 2025. There are no additional Tryouts provided for Intermediate, nor are outside private tryouts by coaches permitted at this level.
Draft Information: The Intermediate League Draft is held the evening after the tryouts. Players who are drafted will be contacted by the Coach within 3 days after the tryout. Not all players who tryout will be drafted to an Intermediate Team. If a player tries out and is not drafted, he/she will remain on the Recreational roster to which he/she was assigned.
Remember: There is an additional fee to play in the Intermediate League.
Age Cutoff for Intermediate League is April 30. To play in 14u Intermediate, a player can not turn 15 until May 1 or later (must be no older than 14 through April 30). To play in 12u Intermediate, a player can not turn 13 until May 1 or later (must be no older than 12 through April 30). To play in 10u Intermediate, a player can not turn 11 until May 1 or later (must be no older than 10 through April 30). Players are allowed to “play up,” especially if that allows them to play with their grade mates. In recent years, good 8-year-old players have proven an ability to compete in the 10u division — 8s are welcome to tryout. Players in Intermediate League are typically in 3rd – 8th Grade (at time of Tryout). Intermediate Teams have the opportunity to play in Tournaments — this decision is made by each coaching staff.
Players who drop off of an Intermediate Team during training or the season will not be refunded - based on costs leading up to and during pre-season. Players who have committed to this league and drop off are not automatically moved back to the Recreational league.
Players who are “called up” to a Competitive Travel Team will not receive the Rec portion of their fees back. In addition, any additional fees accrued must be paid for either by the parent or by the Competitive team who is calling.
Teams in this league are allowed to participate in an outside tournament to develop players and coaches for possible future participation in the Competitive Program or High School Baseball.
Each coach makes the decision for his/her team. If a team plays in an outside tournament, all costs are the responsibility of the team -- outside tournament costs will be in addition to the league fee. The coach will most likely "pass the hat" to collect money for tournament expenses.
The Intermediate League pre-season instructional/practice program begins in late March or early April with at least two team commitments per week. There is also an Umpire Training Scrimmage Day held in late April or early May on a Saturday and/or Sunday. Due to the emphasis on instruction, players in the Intermediate League are expected to be available for league instruction and game play. Families need to be prepared to make the time commitment so that all players can attend training sessions. Additional team practices as well as the best times and locations for practices will be determined by a team’s Coaching Staff. Practicing may occur 2 or 3 times per week. League games will run from mid-May to mid-July with 12 – 14 league games plus an end of season tournament (for 2025: tentatively July 11-13, 2025 OR finishing no later than July 16). Some tournament games may be played during the week based on tournament format.
The fee per team is $5,220 (or $435 per player). This fee includes the Recreational fee for each player on the team. Your portion of the Recreational fee (that you already paid) is subtracted from the $435 and the balance is what FCBC will collect from each player once rosters are established — the full fee is due to FCBC by April 7. Intermediate League Fees include: Tryout Costs, Uniforms, 12-14 League Games (fields, umpires, baseballs), Equipment, and End-of-Season Playoff. Average cost per player (for a roster of 12) is $435.00 or about $13.00 to $15.00 per contact. (Full $5,220 team fee will be due regardless of roster size.)